Plesk 11.6: How to copy a mySQL database

Not as straightforward as it should be. In Plesk 11.5, after selecting the Database tab, the obvious solution is to click the Copy link in the last column for a specific database. Unfortunately, you end up with a database with no specific user, and trying to assign a new one will not work. I also found that exporting a database from within phpMyAdmin was also hit and miss, required exactly the rights settings, and editing of the resulting file. Not ideal. The solution…

  1. In Plesk 11.5, click the Database tab
  2. Create a new database with a new name, and with a new user and password.
  3. Look for the database you wish to copy, and at the end of the line, click the Copy link
  4. On the Copy Database page, ensure (a) Destination database server, is set to your Local server (b) Destination webspace, is set to your current web space
  5. Set your Destination database, to “Copy to existing database”, and select your new database
  6. Select Full copy, click OK to confirm
  7. It may take several minutes for the copy to be created. Note that the copied database will have a new name, user and password.